Is Budgeting A Skill? How To Develop Your Budgeting Prowess

To my knowledge, geneticists haven’t found the budgeting gene in our DNA. When I first started doing a budget I found it incredibly difficult and thought that people doing budgets must have been born to do this type of stuff! Thankfully, through continued persistence and a dogged determination to try and get better at forecasting …

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Seasonal Expenses: Shocking 155% Variation Not To Miss

When I started creating budgets, I used a simple technique to help cast a new monthly budget: I applied what happened last month and used the same figures for the next month! This was a very lazy approach to forecasting, and soon I discovered that some expenses changed depending on the season. Seasonal expenses or …

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Is Budgeting A Continuous Process? How To Be A Budgeting Ninja

Budgeting is a continuous process that involves reflecting back on what you had cast with your previous budget, comparing your forecast to what actually happened, understanding why the budget didn’t align with actual expects, and making the necessary changes with your forecasts for the next budgeting period. The budgeting process can be as simple as …

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